– “Poetry” (시), a 2010 South Korean drama film written and directed by Lee Chang-dong, is a poignant and deeply moving exploration of aging, memory, and the power of art to find beauty and meaning in life, even amidst hardship. The film tells the story of an elderly woman who begins taking poetry classes while grappling with the onset of Alzheimer’s and a devastating family secret.
An Ordinary Life: Mija’s Daily Routine
The film introduces us to Mija (Yoon Jeong-hee), a 66-year-old woman living a simple life in a small town, caring for her delinquent grandson, Wook. She works as a part-time caregiver and finds joy in the small details of her daily routine.
This focus on the ordinary aspects of Mija’s life establishes a sense of intimacy and allows the audience to connect with her on a personal level. It highlights the contrast between the mundane aspects of her life and the profound emotional journey she undertakes.
A Newfound Passion: Discovering Poetry
Mija’s life takes a new turn when she enrolls in a local poetry class. This newfound passion for poetry becomes a source of solace and inspiration for her, providing her with a new way of looking at the world.
The film beautifully portrays Mija’s journey of discovering poetry. She observes the world around her with newfound attention, finding beauty in the everyday details of nature and human interaction.
A Devastating Secret: Confronting a Family Tragedy
While Mija is exploring the world of poetry, she is also confronted with a devastating family secret: her grandson is implicated in a horrific incident involving a young girl. This revelation throws Mija into a state of emotional turmoil, forcing her to confront the harsh realities of life and the complexities of human behavior.
The film delicately handles this sensitive subject matter, focusing on Mija’s emotional response and her struggle to reconcile her love for her grandson with the gravity of his actions.
The Power of Observation: Finding Beauty Amidst Hardship
“Poetry” emphasizes the importance of observation and the ability to find beauty even in the midst of hardship. Mija’s poetry becomes a way for her to process her emotions, make sense of the world around her, and find moments of beauty and meaning in the face of tragedy.
The film’s visuals are often stunning, capturing the beauty of the natural world and the small details of everyday life. These visuals mirror Mija’s poetic sensibility and reinforce the film’s theme of finding beauty in the mundane.
A Poignant Meditation on Life, Memory, and Art
“Poetry” is a poignant and deeply moving meditation on life, memory, and the power of art. It explores the complexities of aging, the burden of family secrets, and the human capacity for resilience and compassion.
Yoon Jeong-hee delivers a tour-de-force performance as Mija, capturing the character’s vulnerability, strength, and quiet dignity. Her performance is the heart and soul of the film, conveying a wide range of emotions with subtlety and grace.
A Masterpiece of Human Observation: A Lasting Impression
“Poetry” is a masterpiece of human observation, offering a profound and unforgettable cinematic experience. Its delicate handling of sensitive themes, combined with its beautiful visuals and Yoon Jeong-hee’s exceptional performance, makes it a truly remarkable film. It’s a film that stays with you long after the credits roll, prompting reflection on the beauty and fragility of life.